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Education, Immigration, Job Seeker, Labour Market, Mentorship, Newcomers

Challenges for Newcomers

According to The Star, more than half of the newcomers arriving in Canada are economic migrants prioritized by the Canadian immigration system to address our declining population and need for skilled workers.

Many move to Canada because it is perceived to be a country that is open and kind to all people.

Kleber Gabriel, a professional from Brazil with an international degree in marketing, is the model of an economic migrant.

Gabriel faced an obstacle that many newcomers face when they arrive in Canada – his credentials were not recognized by employers.

Even for economic migrants the lack of social capital (education, skills, language fluency) presents challenges for newcomers to Canada resulting in underemployment.

Dedicated newcomer service agencies, like the Durham Welcome Centres in Pickering and Ajax, can help newcomers create the networks that they need to find meaningful employment.

Gabriel felt overwhelmed by the job search process and wondered if he needed to let go of a career goal he had worked toward in order to find entry level employment in order to survive.

Gabriel participated in the TRIEC Mentoring Program and was offered advice from Executive Director, Margaret Eaton, who suggested that he shouldn’t settle for a survival job.

That advice has turned his life around. Kleber Gabriel now has a job and a home in Mississauga.

He even returned to school to study psychology at the UofT and is thinking about starting his own business as he did in Brazil.

Gabriel states: “This is our home now, and I was open for new experiences,” he says. “I think if you move to a new country and you’re starting life over, it’s important to be open-hearted and open for adaptation.” Click to read The Star article, “Newcomers receive relief in their struggle to find work”.

If you are an immigrant professional in Durham looking for work, check out the Job Search Workshop and TRIEC Mentoring Partnership programs.


Read Employment E-News – December 2019 – Recognized for Customer Service Excellence

Image provided by www.1COMMUNITY1.ca

About Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre

Whether you're looking for a job, or wanting to hire new skilled job ready employees , the Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre can help. Locations in Pickering and Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.


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